2.12 Board of Examiners
Composition and Remit

There are two streams: one for MBA degrees (MBA, EMBA, EMBA Global) and one for MSc/MRes degrees (MAM, MFA, MiFFT, MiFPT and Sloan). The award of degree for the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy are not considered by the Board of Examiners.

The School’s Boards of Examiners are comprised of:

  • a Chief Examiner appointed by the School,
  • internal examiners nominated by the Subject Areas,
  • external examiners nominated by the Subject Area Chair and approved by the Chief Examiner.

The remit of the Board of Examiners is to:

  • consider the award of degree report and approve awards to students.
  • note, and where applicable, consider requests to continue beyond the normal duration and interruptions of studies.
  • approve the withdrawal of students from the programme.
  • have regard to matters of consistency across programmes leading to the award of degree.
  • ensure the consistent application of the programme regulations.

The Chief Examiner is authorised to act on behalf of the Boards of Examiners when necessary.

2023/2024 Board of Examiner Meeting Dates

Degree Date
Master of Business Administration

(MBA, EMBA London, EMBA Dubai, EMBA Global)

6 March 2024
22 May 2024
31 July 2024
Master of Science,

(MAM, MFA, G/MIM, MiFFT, MiFPT, Sloan)

Master of Research

4 October 2023
13 March 2024
25 September 2024

To be eligible for presentation to the Board of Examiners for the award of degree, students must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • successfully completed the requirements of the programme as specified in section 2.1 and 2.2 of the programme regulations.
  • satisfied the requirements for the programme within the normal duration or have previously received approval from the School to extend or interrupt the programme;
  • not be subject to any ongoing disciplinary proceedings or sanctions
  • not be in debt to the School in relation to tuition fees

The award of degree is conferred on the date of the relevant Board of Examiners meeting rather than the date the student completed the requirements of the programme.

Once the degree has been awarded by the Board of Examiners, the student may not be presented again for re-examination of the award except in circumstances to revoke the degree.