About the Academic Quality Manual

The Academic Quality Manual is the single source of truth for all academic policy matters. This includes teaching and learning, academic standards, assessment and quality assurance. The manual includes information about the School's policies, procedures and official documentation.

The manual is updated periodically, usually when changes are approved by Academic Policy Committee (see next section) and in advance of the new academic year (July). It is recommended that you check the manual in advance of preparing your courses and periodically for any updates on policy matters.

If you have any questions or queries about academic policy matters, or specific feedback on the Academic Quality Manual or suggestions for changes, please contact the Quality Assurance Team: QA.  

Academic Policy Committee (APC)

Academic Policy Committee is the School's most senior academic committee. The voting members are the Vice-Dean (chair), the programme Academic Directors, the PhD Programme Director (deputising for the PhD Chair) and the Chief Examiner.

The Terms of Reference (agreed with Management Board) specify that Academic Policy Committee is primarily responsible for setting and maintaining the School’s academic standards and determining the School’s policies and processes on all academic matters.

Specific functions include:

  • all matters concerning the School’s academic standards including the management and enhancement of academic and assessment policy arrangements;
  • the reliability of degree standards by providing oversight to the academic components of degree programmes and electives;
  • continuous improvement of the student academic experience and student outcomes.

The Committee supports the Governing Body to complete the Annual Provider Review for Office for Students.